Efficacy of Demonstration on Covid 19 Training on Knowledge Among Final Year Nursing Students of Dr. Achal Singh Yadav Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Lucknow


This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of demonstration on knowledge regarding covid 19 training among final year nursing students of dr. achal singh yadav institute of nursing and paramedical sciences, lucknow. a quanatitave research approach with quasi experimental research design was used to select 37 final year nursing students. self structured knowledge questionnaire was used for assessing the knowledge regarding covid 19 training among the subjects. spss version 25 was used for analyzing the data. result revealed that in pretest no sample had adequate knowledge as compare to post test 32 students had adequate knowledge regarding covid 19 training. the paired t test shows that obtained p value was 0.008 which is less than p value 0.05 reveal that demonstration was effective to bring changes in knowledge regarding covid 19 training among the participants and chisqaure test reveal that there is no significant association with pretest knowledge on covid 19 training and demographic variables of participant except course of study. Jubin Varghese | Bhoopendra Singh Yadav | Saniya Susan Issac "Efficacy of Demonstration on Covid-19 Training on Knowledge Among Final Year Nursing Students of Dr. Achal Singh Yadav Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Lucknow" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-4 , June 2021, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.compapers/ijtsrd41257.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.commedicine/nursing/41257/efficacy-of-demonstration-on-covid19-training-on-knowledge-among-final-year-nursing-students-of-dr-achal-singh-yadav-institute-of-nursing-and-paramedical-sciences-lucknow/jubin-varghese

Authors and Affiliations

Jubin Varghese | Bhoopendra Singh Yadav | Saniya Susan Issac


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Jubin Varghese, Bhoopendra Singh Yadav (2021). Efficacy of Demonstration on Covid 19 Training on Knowledge Among Final Year Nursing Students of Dr. Achal Singh Yadav Institute of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Lucknow. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(4), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-695685