Efficacy of ivermectin in comparison to commonly used anti scabies drugs
Journal Title: MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 1
Background: Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is essential to minimize the spread of disease. Disease control requires treatment of the affected individual and all people they have been in contact with, but is often hampered by inappropriate or delayed diagnosis, poor treatment compliance, inadequate treatment and improper use of topical compounds such as permethrin, lindane or benzyl benzoate. Objective: To study efficacy of ivermectin in the treatment of scabies Methods: 200 patients of age 5 years to 60 years were studied for two years. Routine examinations, microscopic examination of the mite, examination of the skin scrapings mounted with mineral oil or Hoyer’s medium for demonstration of organisms. Biopsy of the skin lesions from the involved sites was done in few patients. Patients were randomly allocated for each of the four regimens of following simple random sampling procedure. After detailed history and examination, patients were given one of the following regimens. Results: Response to Ivermectin considering the itching as the parameter, patients who belonged to the grade I were 8 (16%), grade II were 36 (72%) and grade III were 6(12%). Response to Permethrin considering the severity of itching, patients who belonged to the grade I were 12 (24%), grade II were 30 (60%) and grade III were 8 (16%). Response to GBHC (1%) lotion considering the itching as the parameter, patients who belonged to the grade I were 10 (20%), grade II were 25 (50%) and grade III were 15 (30%). Response to B.B. lotion considering the itching as the parameter, patients who belonged to the grade I were 10 (20%), grade II were 35 (70%) and grade III were 5 (10%). Conclusion: Permethrin was found to be more effective among the topical agents.
Authors and Affiliations
Sangeeth Kumar, B Raghvendra Rao
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