Efficiency in physics, biology, and motor control; Lessons from the Cheshire Cat

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 25, Issue 71


Galileo’s statement that “mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe” concerns only the outer, “tangible” layer of our world. So, mathematics makes up the language of physics, which is indifferent to future events. Biology involves purposefulness, and psychology, which makes up the core of the motor control – intentionality. As a result, mathematics hardly lends itself to description of the biological and – all the more – the psychological phenomena. The systemic structure of living organisms, being formed in the course of evolution, justifies the assumption that it has already made all the mistakes possible. So, the systemic perspective on the motor control phenomena and processes shall turn out to be relevant to their scientific description. The paper is aimed at creation of a coherent description of physiological and psychological aspects of energy and efficiency, rooted in the physical nature of those phenomena.

Authors and Affiliations

Wacław Petryński


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Wacław Petryński (2015). Efficiency in physics, biology, and motor control; Lessons from the Cheshire Cat . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 25(71), 13-21. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-80050