Efforts to Increase Vocational Students 'Objections throughthe Picture and Picture Method
Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 8
Abstract:This research is about meninkatkan ability of student in mastery of Indonesian student vocabulary by using picture and picture method. The purpose of this research is to improve students' vocabulary mastery through picture and picture method. This research method is action research consisting of two cycles. The subjects of this study were the 3rd graders of elementary school, which amounted to 25 students. In completing this study, the authors of observation methods, written tests and field notes, as a means of collecting data collection. By conducting this action research, it was found that using the picture and picture method can improve students 'ability in mastery of students' vocabulary in each cycle. The results can be seen from the improvement processes in improving students' vocabulary mastery in each cycle. The first cycle found the mean completion criteria and the second cycle found an average value of 95.7 which means above the completeness criteria minimal, so the use of picture and picture method can help students in improving students' vocabulary mastery. Keywords:meninkatkan ability, picture, vocabulary mastery.
Authors and Affiliations
Nita Rahmawati, Gusti Yarmi, Sarka di
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