
У статті проаналізовано взаємовплив двох видів мистецтв – літератури й кіно – як вияву процесу інтермедіальності. Окреслено загальні відмінності між літературою і кіно. Розкриваються поняття інтермедіальності та екранізації. Особлива увага приділена механізмам інтермедіального прочитання художньої прози Ірен Роздобудько. This article highlights the issues of literature with cinematography. The concepts of intermedialism and film adaptation are revealed. Literature is the basis for the creative growth of cinematography. However, cinema also has an impact on literature. Therefore, the inteтrconnection of cinema and artistic prose should be interpreted precisely as a process of interaction-influence. These phenomena of culture are still poorly understood, but the scientific analysis will help to cast light on contemporary cultural processes. The works of modern researchers concerning discussing problem are examined. Considering cinema from the standpoint of the merger of arts it is necessary to highlight a complex internal organization of the genre and to define the general differences between literature and cinema. The word is one of the most important means of transferring information, yet not the principal one. Literature is entirely different from cinema, as it uses only one way of transferring information. Consequently, the process of making a movie novel is connected with converting information from one form into the other. Film adaptation is the result of the interaction of cinema and literature. The main problem of screen adaptation remains the contradiction between a pure illustration of a literary work and a departure from great artistic independence. L. Nekhoroshev distinguishes the following types of adaptations: retelling-illustration, new reading, transposition. The director chooses for himself a way of transcribing an artistic work. The fact of the need to preserve the main idea of the original source is indisputable. Cinema is a universal genre of art. When printed text comes to life on the screen – a very great responsibility falls on those who have to disguise a certain character. The problem of image perception of film stars from the point of view of their «naturalness» – are investigated in the article an actor should be a universal recipient so as to maximally approach to the characters, to live with them side by side, and to understand what the goal of the author who created this masterpiece is. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms of intermediate reading Irene Rozdobudko’s prose. Cinematography is one of the dominant signs of creativity her. Specificity and detail, large-scale in the descriptions cause the effect of cinema inspection. Due to these basic characteristics, Irene Rozdobudko's novels are easily subjected to filming.

Authors and Affiliations

Darya Beznosenko, Olga Punina


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How To Cite

Darya Beznosenko, Olga Punina (2017). ЕКРАНІЗАЦІЯ ЯК НАСЛІДОК ІНТЕРМЕДІАЛЬНОГО ПРОЧИТАННЯ ЛІТЕРАТУРНОГО ТВОРУ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ПРОЗИ І. РОЗДОБУДЬКО). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 11-17. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432581