Electric arc metal cutting with by-wire electrode-tool


The goal of the work is to develop a new way of electric arc metal cutting with electrode tool wear compensation and to develop a machine design concept. In this new of electric arc metal cutting that is proposed, a new cut shaping technology scheme, in which the electric arc is excited in the hydrodynamic flow of the working fluid between an electrode-blank and a composite electrode-tool, is used. This electrode-tool includes two parallel wires, which are pulled over the convex surface of the electrode holder. The work fluid is pumped into the cutting zone under a process pressure the electrode holder and into the gap between the wires; the size of the gap is less or equal two interelectrode end backlashes. This allows conducting the cutting process without the formation of technological protrusion between wires. Distinctive features of a new cut shaping technology scheme are reflected in a machine design concept, which ensures the following: optimal process conditions in the cutting zone, minimal cut width, maximum possible cutting performance, parallel pulling and tensioning of the two wires in the cutting zone, wire in pulling speed adjustment, cutting depth monitoring, optimum wear of the bi-wire electrode-tool. This article proposes and examines a high performance way of electric arc metal cutting with bi-wire electrode-tool. The physical cutting mechanism is described. Machine design concept, which implements this method, is developed. Experimental machine «Knife-1» for electric arc hard materials cutting with bi-wire electrode-tool is designed, manufactured and examined.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Bokov


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How To Cite

Viktor Bokov (2017). Electric arc metal cutting with by-wire electrode-tool. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 30(), 44-57. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-337683