Electrical resistivity methods for landfill monitoring
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2018, Vol 50, Issue 2
Every single investment affects the natural environment, and that is why it is so important to eliminate nuisance it could cause. Extremely harmful effect on environment or human health could be expected from waste treatment facilities. One of the kinds of contamination which is a real threat to soil and water environment are leachates from landfills. They contain random chemical composition and can migrate from landfill through soil water flux leading to environmental pollution and degradation of groundwater. This paper focuses on the use of geophysical methods to assess migration of pollutants from the landfill through the subsoil. The laboratory tests of solute transport have been conducted on three soil samples fromŁubna site to simulate the contamination flow. Migration of leachates through soil samples was controlled using the column test and electrical resistivity measurements which allow to com pare the results obtained with the standard column test method and electrical resistivity measurements. It leads to the conclusion that electrical resistivity methods for contamination transport monitoring in soil–water systems are suitable. Furthermore, field electrical resistivity tomography have been used for monitoring of the vertical sealing system in Łubna landfill.
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