Electrocardiographic & Pulmonary Function tests with Special Reference to Spirometry and DLco in Obstructive & Restrictive Lung Disease
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 5
Objectives: To study the electrographic changes & pulmonary function test changes with special reference to spirometry & DLco in obstructive & restrictive lung disease. Material & Methods: The present study was carried out in Post Graduate Department of Medicine, S.N. Medical College & Hospital, and Agra. The material of the study included 50 cases admitted in indoor medicine wards and those attending allergy and respiratory clinic and medicine OPD. In the present study we had 30 cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and 20 cases of Restrictive Lung Disease (IPF). Informed consent was obtained at enrolment. All were subjected to Spirometry, Peak Flow Metry, DLco and ECG. Result: The most common ECG change in COPD is rightward shift of P-axis preceded by P-pulmonale and the most common ECG finding in restrictive group is ECG changes showing P-pulmonale and right ventricular hypertrophy without change in P-axis including a positive P-wave deflection in aVL. All of the cases of restrictive lung disease were found to have DLCO values markedly reduced while amongst COPD cases; patients having emphysema DLCO values were either normal or reduced. Rest of the COPD patients predominantly having chronic bronchitis, DLCO values remains unaltered. FEV1/FVC % in COPD patient was ranging from less than 40 to 79 per cent whereas it was unaltered in restrictive group, FVC is markedly reduced in restrictive group had a range. Conclusion: obstructive & restrictive lung disease can be differentiated on the basis of ECG changes, PFT (spirometry, DLco).
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Anjana Pandey
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