Еlectrophysical properties of carbon nanotubes/NiCo composites
Journal Title: Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 4
Metal-containing nanocomposites containing nanoparticles of organic and inorganic materials, attract considerable attention of specialists in recent years due to a large number of possible applications. NiCo nanoparticles have been obtained on the surface of unoxidized and oxidized multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) by chemical precipitation of the corresponding carbonates from a solution of hydrazine hydrate at a temperature of 350 K. Oxidation of MWCNT was carried out in a solution of ammonium bifluoride and sulfuric acid. The purpose of this work is to synthesize composites of MWCNT/NiCo and to find differences in their electrophysical properties dependent on the nature of the MWCNT surface. The transmission electron microscopic and radiographic studies showed the presence of phases composites with the size of crystallites of 20–30 nm. The packing density of agglomerates of metal particles is higher in composites with unoxidized MWCNT. The metal particles are arranged on the surface of MWCNT more evenly and in shape more close to spherical in composites with oxidized MWCNT. The method of thermogravimetric analysis shows that the process of composites oxidation during heating for a composite containing oxidized MWCNT is more intense. It indicates a smaller particle size of metals. The real and imaginary components of the complex dielectric and magnetic permeabilities of the disperse composites was determined by the methods of ultrahigh-frequency interferometry. The corresponding values are somewhat higher for composites containing oxidized MWCNT in the ultrahigh-frequency range. The values of imaginary magnetic permeability are higher by 18 % for unoxidized MWCNT composites at low frequencies. The electrical conductivity at low frequencies is 2.9 and 1.6 Ohm–1·cm–1 for composites containing unoxidized and oxidized MWCNTs, respectively.
Authors and Affiliations
O. M. Lisova, S. M. Makhno, G. M. Gunya, P. P. Gorbyk
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