
У статті досліджено взаємозалежність електоральної участі та демократії. Акцентовано увагу на легітимізуючому аспекті електоральної участі та чинниках, що її визначають. Виявлено та обґрунтовано причини різного рівня електоральної активності в країнах, що відрізняються ступенем розвитку демократії. The article examines the interdependence of electoral participation and democracy. Special attention is paid to the legitimizing effect of electoral participation and its determining factors. The author reveals and substantiates the reasons of different level of electoral activity in the countries that vary in a degree of democracy development. Electoral participation is described as an important instrument of ensuring the legitimacy of democratic political institutions through the procedure of election. This study demonstrates that the level of electoral participation correlates depending on the type of election, electoral system, voters' political culture and specificity of political situation in a country. Just the same factors in each country may differently affect the level of electoral participation and lead to distinct results. Legitimizing effect of electoral participation is exceptionally significant in countries with systematic democratic reforms or consolidation of a democratic order. Regarding the situation when democratic procedures have not taken roots yet, and the new political elite has not acquired a considerable experience in management, the participation in election of the wide sections of the population is a necessary instrument of supporting the authoritative decisions and institutions. Low level of electoral participation in countries with different degree of democracy may have different consequences. Thus, the author discusses the idea of passive legitimization with high level of trust in government emerging in developed democracies and a crisis of legitimacy and democracy deficit occurring in countries with authoritarian tendencies.

Authors and Affiliations

Tatiana Likhatska


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How To Cite

Tatiana Likhatska (2016). ЕЛЕКТОРАЛЬНА УЧАСТЬ ЯК ЧИННИК РОЗВИТКУ ДЕМОКРАТІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(15), 253-259. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426733