Elementele de diferenţiere ale infracţiunilor electorale
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 204
This article is dedicated to the investigation of the electoral offenses provided for in Title IX – Electoral offenses, art.385-392, from the new Criminal Code of Romania, in terms of the legal object, the material object, the active subject and the objective side, in order to determine of the constituent elements which differentiates them.
Statul de drept: între legisprudență și jurisprudență
The term „legisprudenţă” came recently in legal vocabulary, and refers to the legislative work. Social reality is pressuring the legislature to arrive at appropriate ways of regulating social relations. Jurisprudence its...
Latura obiectivă a infracţiunii prevăzute la art.291 CP RM: aspecte teoretice şi practice
In the present scientific demarche is performed a practical and theoretical analysis of the objective side of the offense provided at art.291 PC RM. Inter alia, it is states that the term “negligent” in the text of art.2...
Cu privire la posibila neconstituționalitate a unor amendamente recente operate în Codul penal și în Codul contravențional. Partea I
In this article it is argued that several recently made amendments to the Penal Code and the Contravention Code by means of Law no.193/2016, would contravene the provision of par.(2) art.23 of the Constitution of the Rep...
Рецензия на учебный комплекс для студентов медицинских и юридических вузов «Медицинское право» члена-корреспондента РАМН
Издание, подготовленное основателем медицинского права России профессором Ю.Д. Сергеевым, является первым в Российской Федерации официальным учебником по медицинском, праву, полностью отвечающим положениям действующей пр...
Infracţiunea de încăierare prevăzută în art.198 din partea specială a noului Cod penal al României
The purpose of this scientific article is to present the crime of fighting contained in the new Criminal Code of Romania in the Special Part, Title I Crime against the person, Chapter II Crime against bodily integrity or...