Emigration of Intellectual Potential of Ukraine: Causes, Volume, Consequences
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки. - Year 2017, Vol 31, Issue
One of the important factors in the formation of their own national policy is taking into account the current migratory trends in the context of Ukraine's participation in European and global migration space. The purpose of the article is to study the nature of intellectual migration in Ukraine, clarifying the main reasons for its distribution process and identifying key measures to reduce the volume of emigration of scientists. Particular threat to social-economic development of country and sustainable development of society is intellectual migration, because the formation of highly qualified scientific personnel, the accumulation of intellectual capital, increase scientific and technological potential of the country is one of the important factors of economic and social progress. The most intensive emigration from Ukraine of highly qualified specialists (doctors and candidates of sciences) was observed in 90 years of the twentieth century. The main destinations during this period were Russia, the USA, Israel. Every year the number of Ukrainian labour immigrants increases. Ukraine is considered one of the largest donor of workforce. From the standpoint of preserving intellectual potential, it is important to implement the mechanism for the return of migrants to their homeland (transfer to temporary migration).
Authors and Affiliations
Michailo Romanjuk, Zinaida Smutchak
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