Empiryczna analiza poziomu wiedzy i aktywności przedstawicieli pokolenia 55+ w zakresie budżetu jednostki samorządu lokalnego
Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 10
Cooperation between local government authorities and residents forms the basis for creating optimal living conditions for local communities. The success of such cooperation depends to a large extent on the level of knowledge of residents about the functioning of local government units. Literature studies have shown that these important issues have been studied to a limited extent. The main purpose of the survey was to assess the level of knowledge of issues related to the budget of local government units by representatives of the 55+ generation. In addition, check the level of their activity in the work related to the preparation of the budget of the local government unit in their area of residence. The conducted surveys have shown that issues related to the activities of local government units are not foreign to the majority of representatives of the 55+ generation. However, the level of their knowledge on this subject is relatively low. It was also found that the majority of respondents believe that residents should have the opportunity to express their opinion on the budget shape of the local government.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Sołtysiak
Empiryczna analiza poziomu wiedzy i aktywności przedstawicieli pokolenia 55+ w zakresie budżetu jednostki samorządu lokalnego
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