Employee-Learning Orientation and Innovation Performance: Assessing the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning and the Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership
Journal Title: International Journal of Management Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 10
This paper examines the role played by the employee-learning orientation (ELO) in producing organizational learning (OL) and innovation performance (IP). It also aims at assessing the mediating effect of the organizational learning on the employee-learning orientation- innovation performance link. In addition, it aims at evaluating the moderating role played by the transactional leadership (TL): on one hand, on the relationship between the ELO and the OL; on the other hand, on the indirect effect of the ELO on the IP through OL. This article explores these relationships using structural equations modeling with partial least squares technique with data set from the medical biotechnology industry in France. The results support all but one of the hypotheses and have important implications for both academics and practitioners, in the field of organizational learning, strategic leadership and innovation performance.
Authors and Affiliations
Yacine Hannachi
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