Employee Performance Analysis: Predictors of Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation (Case Study At Indonesian Academy of Tourism Jakarta)

Journal Title: Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 3


Abstract:This research needs to be done because employee performance at Indonesian Tourism Academy Jakarta for the last 5 years tends to decrease index. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Trnasformational Leadership and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. The research method is quantitative research, the population consists of employees of Pariwiasta Academy Indonesia Jakarta, amounting to 52 employees. As for the sample using saturated samples. The analysis tool used is Multiple Linear Regression, followed by determination analysis (R Square), partial hypothesis testing (t test) and hypothesis test simultaneously (F test), alpha (tolerance error) 5 percent. Before spreading the questionnaire first in the validity and reliability test until all questionnaires are valid and reliable. In order to meet the criteria and requirements of multiple linear regression analysis, first classical assumption analysis such as normality test, multicollionerity and heterokedasitas test are done. Data processing tool SPSS version 21.0. The result of the research is that Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation have positive and significant impact on employee's performance either partially or simultaneously. From the results of determination analysis there are other factors that influence employee performance in addition to variables Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation. The better Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation will be the better Performance Employees at the Academy of Tourism Indonesia Jakarta. Keywords:Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation, and Employee Performance.

Authors and Affiliations

P. EddySanusi Silitonga


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P. EddySanusi Silitonga (2018). Employee Performance Analysis: Predictors of Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation (Case Study At Indonesian Academy of Tourism Jakarta). Saudi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(3), 515-523. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-400710