English Collocations with Afghanistanian Persian Dialect Equivalents: A Comparative Study
Journal Title: Education Quarterly Reviews - Year 2019, Vol 2, Issue 4
This study investigates the English collocations with Afghanistan Persian dialect equivalents words in the Afghanistanian context. This study aims to bring out the variations between English and Afghanistanian Persian dialect to analyze weather the collocational differences in English and Afghanistanian Persian dialect may create any problem of inaccurate production for the L1 learners of English as ESL or not. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted in this study, mainly to concentrate on the function of diverse kinds of collocations in the verbal speech of 25 postgraduate Afghanistanian students. With the target of recognizing, classifying, and accountancy for the incongruous collocations produced, these selected students have been assessed through two tests; proficiency and a multiple-choice test. The results of this study showed that a considerable variation between English lexical collocational patterns and their restrictions with their Persian correspondence. The study suggests the quality of ESL teaching, an extensive ESL teacher training program, and the ESL syllabus should consider texts based on the collocation phenomenon in ESL teaching.
Authors and Affiliations
Sakhidad Sangeen
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