Entity tax efficiency analysis
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 4
Introduction. The necessity of estimation by various groups of stakeholders of the tax system influence on the financial results of business entities has led to the emergence of tax analysis. The key task of tax analysis is to substantiate the economic decisions, which aim to optimize tax expenses from the profit of the enterprise. A number of issues still remains unsolved. These issues are connected with the analytical procedure of external users understanding of the impact of the tax policy of the company on its financial results according to the financial statements. Purpose. The article aims to study and to develop the analysis of the tax efficiency of a business entity that provides the external users with financial reporting an understanding of the intentions of management personnel as for the owners and investors capital preservation and the state interests’ realization. Results. The investigation of issues, which are connected with the disclosure of information on expenses on corporate income tax in the financial statements has been extended. New analytical indicators of tax efficiency and additive factor models of expenses on corporate profit tax have been proposed. The importance of calculating the analytical indicator "effective tax rate on profit" has been substantiated. It has been reasoned that the analysis of the formation of the income tax enables the search for additional free sources of financing for the activity. An analytical procedure for understanding the tax efficiency of an entity has been developed. The procedure of testing for the risk of non-payment of income tax by the entity has been proposed. The procedure for assessing the risk of lowering retained earnings in the future due to the deferred income tax in the reporting period has been disclosed. The form of an analytical table, which can facilitate the unification of the management document "Management Report" in terms of the characteristics of the tax environment of the entity, has been developed. The stencil of the analytical conclusion as for the tax efficiency of the business entity, which promotes the information culture of documenting the generalizations about the intentions of the managerial staff regarding the owners' and investors' capital preservation and the state interests’ realization, has been proposed.
Authors and Affiliations
Svitlana Kalabukhova
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