Enzymatic biotypes of Candida albicans strains isolated from the sputum of lung cancer patients

Journal Title: Mikologia Lekarska - Year 2007, Vol 14, Issue 2


Introduction: One of the crucial clinical problems in lung cancer (LC) patients is the infections occurrence, includingfungal infection. The mycosis occurrence worsens the patients' general condition and inhibits anticancer treatment. In the author's previous studies carried out the positive Candida albicans mycological examination were observed in over 70% of LC patients. In 25% of subjects in this group the oral mycosis was diagnosed, statistically more frequently than in the healthy population. One of the Candida virulent features is their enzymatic activity. It determines the occurrence and the course of infection. It seems important to describe the enzymatic profile of strains isolated from these patients and healthy people and describe their biotypes. It would allow to isolate virulent strains and use antifungal prevention. The aim: The determination of enzymatic biotypes of Candida albicans strains isolated from the sputum of LC patients and healthy persons. Material and methods: 46 Candida albicans isolated from the sputum of 33 LC patients and 13 healthy people were assessed. The hydrolytic activity was estimated using API ZYM test (bioMérieux). The biotyping was performed according to Williamson, Kurnatowska and Kurnatowski, Krajewska-Kułak et al. and the author's classification. Results: Among 46 strains of Candida albicans isolated from both groups, 76.09% conformed to Williamson's classification (69.26% of LC patients and 92% of healthy persons). 21.74% of strains conformed to Batura-Gabryel et al. A further biotype was described for the strain isolated from the LC patients which made up 2.17% of strains. While describing the enzymatic biotypes it was affirmed that in the group of LC patients the biggest percentage of strains belonged to biotype E (36.36%), C and T (each 24.24%), then biotypes belonging to biotype A, F, H, U and additional biotype Y (each 3.03%) followed. Among the strains isolated from the healthy group, the predominant biotype was F (69.23%), the remaining biotypes belonged to biotypes A, D, G and S (each 7.69%). Conclusions: The Candida albicans strains isolated from the LC patients and healthy persons had different enzymatic biotyping. The more frequent occurrence of biotypes E, C and T in LC patients and more frequent Candida infection including the symptomatic one may confirm their considerable virulence in this group of patients. It seems necessary to continue further biotypes description as well as the continuation of the search for estimating enzymatic biotypes depending on the progression of the lung proliferative process and the method of the disease treatment.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Brajer, Halina Batura-Gabryel


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How To Cite

Beata Brajer, Halina Batura-Gabryel (2007). Enzymatic biotypes of Candida albicans strains isolated from the sputum of lung cancer patients. Mikologia Lekarska, 14(2), 129-132. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-82621