Epidemic characteristics of erysipelas manifestation in conditions of Northwestern Black sea region


Carried out investigations concerning epidemic manifestation of erysipelas showed that the given infectious nosoform is able to dynamic changes of saprozoonotic and zoonotic types of spreading. In the result of analysis of epidemic intensity indices of zoonotic erysipelas on the regional territory 3 zones with different epidemic activity have been isolated. The difference in the levels of epidemic erysipelas manifestation among rural and urban population is at the level from 12,7 % to 14,4 %. Persons at the age of 35–45 and 60–75 and older belong to the main risk groups under contamination, as to professional groups there is the increased risk of being infected among workers of animal husbandry processing enterprises and establishment of public nutrition. In the result of seasonal epidemic manifestation of erysipelas obviously distinct peaks have been established – spring and autumn. Erysipelas has factor features of naturally located infection. The researches to specify basic laws of epidemic manifestation of erysipelas in the territory of Northwestern Black Sea region during 1961–2014 allow us to characterize it as an infection nosoform, which is able to dynamically change of saprozoonotic and zoonotic type of spreading. A significant similarity of epidemical characteristics of manifestation of zoonotic form of erysipelas among urban and rural population on different landscapes areas of the territory and in different socio-economic conditions indicate the presence of active and universal sources of pathogen, directly or indirectly related to rodents and livestock products. Stable conservation among sick representatives of age group of 35–45 years old and absolute predominance among them of cutaneous and joint lesions localized in fingers, indicates the main value of contact and traumatic infecting. At the same time also saved a key role of leading factor of pathogen transmission – pork meat and by-products contaminated with Еrуsipelothrix rhusiopathiae. In a number of cases erysipelas has signs of factorial nature-located infection with typically zoonotic spread, which usually takes place in the most humid years with a high density of field rodents.

Authors and Affiliations

L. V. Perotska


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How To Cite

L. V. Perotska (2015). Epidemic characteristics of erysipelas manifestation in conditions of Northwestern Black sea region. Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету, 37(3), 112-119. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-370179