Epidemiological and demographic analysis of indications for Baha® surgery in Poland - multicenter study
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 4
Aim of the study: To collect and analyze epidemiological and demographical data of patients qualified for and implanted with the Baha® system in Poland. Material and method: 17 out of 28 otolaryngology departments performing Baha® implantation in Poland participated in the study. Up to date there were 286 patients registered in database. Data were obtained fromthe preoperative questionnaires including information such as age and gender, indications for the implantation, previous hearing aid use as well as data regarding the surgical technique. Results: The most frequent indication for the Baha® system was bilateral mixed hearing loss (51%), followed by SSD (18%), bilateral conductive hearing loss (17%), unilateral mixed (8%) and conductive (6%) hearing loss. In 11% of subjects hearing impairment was congenital versus 89% cases of acquired. The mean age was 44 years with the slight prevalence of women (52%). 63% of patients did not have previous experience with hearing aids. The most frequent surgical technique was classic dermatome single stage procedure performed under general anesthesia (65%). Conclusions: Data gather in this multicentre research serve as a valuable source of information on qualifications for the Baha®, shows demographic spectrum of adult recipients in Poland. It also presents the preferences of surgical procedures. Outcomes of the study may constitute a reference for each centre participating in this research as well as for new centers starting the Baha®procedure.
Authors and Affiliations
Witold Szyfter, Łukasz Borucki, Paweł Dobosz, Wojciech Domka, Maria Drela, Renata Gibasiewicz, Grzegorz Grajewski, Grażyna Horbacz-Jary, Witold M. Iciek, Andrzej Jankowski, Dariusz Jurkiewicz, Bogdan Kibiłda, Michał Kida, Dariusz Komar , Joanna Kuśmierczyk, Krzysztof Maron, Tomasz Matuszczyk, Tadeusz Mierzwa, Józef Mierzwiński, Ewa Olszewska, Katarzyna Przytuła-Kandzia, Marek Pyd, Czesław Stankiewicz, Maciej Stieler, Aleksandra Ślaska-Kaspera
Sprawozdanie z 12 Amerykańskiej Konferencji Implantów Ślimakowych u Dzieci, 17-20.06.2009 Seattle, USA
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