Epidemiological Properties and The Role of Imaging of Pancreatic Carcinoma
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 7
Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths, being responsible for 7% of all cancer-related deaths in both men and women. The aim is to present cases diagnosed with pancreatic carcinoma in UCCK, according to epidemiological variables: age, gender, age group, morbidity, mortality, life expectancy, risk factors and the role of imaging in the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma. There are 97 patients included in this retrospective study that were diagnosed with the abovementioned disease in UCCK. The imaging studies were done using ECHO Phillips, 6 and 64 MSCT Siemens and 1.5 T MR Symphony Siemens. The diagnostic apparatuses were sited at the Clinic of Radiology in UCCK Prishtina, and are using anamnesis the life of the Institute of Oncology protocols data from NIPH of Kosova and Kosovo Statistical Agency. In our study results were taken 97 patients diagnosed for the first time in the Radiology Clinic - University Clinical Centre in Pristina, 2011- 2014, and have proved these results as follows: age group has been affected with 61 to 70 years old with 40 cases or (41.2%) in both sexes with no significant change but less presented to age over 80 years old of both sexes with 2 cases or (2.1%). dominates males in the ratio 2: 1. The average morbidity rate for the period 2011-2014 is (0.3: 100,000). Moratilitetit rate average for the period 2011-2014 was 5.0: 100,000 residents. Patients who still live from the moment of diagnosis were 6 cases or (6.2%) of them still live. Risk factors present in our study have koreluar with Diabetes Mellitus type II 14:43%, 8.2% gastric ulcer, and smoking 34.0%, 21.6% consuming alcohol. Anatomic localization based on 76 cases (79.4%), resulting in head and neck, 20 cases (21%) in the body and tail, 1 case of pancreatic metastasis from colon carcinoma. The discussion and conclusion was tekonlogic advanced imaging methods make much easier to detect, diagnose staging and management type in patients with pancreatic carcinoma. Correlation risk factor of pancreatic carcinoma is closely related according to numerous studies, in those who had more impact with risk factors, they are two times more likely in the appearance of pancreatic carcinoma. Keywords: Pancreatic cancer, localization, morbidity, mortality, risck factor, MSCT, MRI, University Clinical Center of Kosova, Prishtine, Kosova.
Authors and Affiliations
Kabashi Serbeze, Dedushi Kreshnike, Muçaj Sefedin, Ramadani Naser, Hoxhaj Astrit, Roshi Enver, Tahiri Zejdush
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