Epigeal spiders of apple orchards on the decreasing pesticide pressure gradient
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
The epigeal spider assemblages of apple orchard and nearby areas with different pesticide pressure have been analyzed. 737 spider individuals have been recorded as belonging to 29 species and 11 families. Lycosidae family has been represented by the largest number of individuals (685) and species (9). Trochosa ruricola (De Geer, 1778) has been proposed as a bioindicator for assessing the most pesticide-polluted biotopes as it has been found on all the investigated plots and its density has increased with the increasing of pesticide pressure. Several species have been found in all areas outside the orchard, but have not been identified in the orchard with pesticide-intensive farming. The main synecological indices have been analyzed. Obtained results showed a significant violation of the spider assemblages’ structure (both orchard and nearby areas). The similarity estimation of the studied spider assemblages on the decreasing pesticide pressure gradient has been performed using hierarchical cluster analysis. It has been established that the epigeal spider assemblages in the orchard with intensive plant protection treatment undergo significant destructive changes and decreasing of the species richness.
Authors and Affiliations
Марія Федоряк, Світлана Руденко, А. В. Жук
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