
У статті розглядається розвиток неокорпоративізму в Швеції та аналізується сучасний стан розвитку відносин між державою, асоціаціями роботодавців та профспілками. Досліджуються зміни у політиці соціального партнерства як основі корпоративних відносин та причини зниження ролі відповідних інститутів в останні два десятиліття. Доводиться, що традиційна корпоративістська модель, яка була характерною ознакою шведської політики продовж майже століття, змінюється іншими формами взаємодії відповідних груп інтересів з державою, зокрема лобізмом. The article deals with the development of corporatism in Sweden. The current state of relations between the state, employers' associations and trade unions is analyzed. We study changes in the policy of social partnership as the basis of corporate relations and the reasons for reducing the role of relevant institutions in the last two decades. We demonstrate that in 1980-90s corporate institutions were integrated into the state. Since the 80s institutions, involved in collective bargaining, that used to be one of the most centralized in the world, were formally decentralized. In general, 90s turned out the critical to the continued existence of neocorporatism in Sweden. There are some reasons for the loss of importance of corporatist institutions. First, politicization of cooperation between interest organizations. They were gradually drawn into an ideological struggle between left and right. Second, the traditional system of social dialogue expanded and was not able to adapt to new challenges. Many new structures with different views on the further development of centralized collective bargaining appeared inside the main organizations. Thirdly, the conflict between key interest organizations and inside them led to a change of methods of influence on policy. Fourth, good relations between the main interest organizations and the state have disappeared in the late 1980s. Thus, the main problem of social corporatism in Sweden was the desire to major players get more benefits with less costs. This phenomenon is known as «free rider problem». «Free rider problem» takes the form of denial of membership in the centralized tripartite negotiation process. The article proves that the traditional corporatist model that was a characteristic feature of Swedish politics for nearly a century is changing by other forms of interaction between relevant interest groups with government, including lobbyism.

Authors and Affiliations

Іlona Іvanova


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Іlona Іvanova (2016). ЕРОЗІЯ НЕОКОРПОРАТИВНИХ ІНСТИТУТІВ У ШВЕЦІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 241-248. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429113