Errors in Treatment of Fractures of Distal Femur by LISS Method (Less Invasive Stabilization System) – Single-centre Experience

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 3


Background. LISS, the newest surgical method, makes it possible to completely regain knee function after knee fractures. We share our experience of the most frequently occurring errors during LISS-based treatment and ways of avoiding them.Material and methods. Our sample consisted of patients treated with the LISS method between 2007 and 2012 in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the 4th Military Hospital in Wroclaw, Poland. We analysed the patients’ radiographic records.Results. We analysed follow-up radiographs of 28 patients with fractures of the distal femur. We identified the following seven errors in reduction and fixation of fractures of the distal femur occurring during treatment using the LISS method: 1. Valgus or varus fracture fixation. 2. Malrotation of the fracture fragments. 3. Fixation in malrotation in the sagittal plane. 4. Non-axial placement of the LISS plate in the sagittal plane. 5. The use of K wires not recommended in the LISS method. 6. Screws penetrating into the joint. 7. Drilling holes for unicortical screws.Conclusions. 1. The most common errors in the treatment of fractures of the distal femur by LISS method relate to inadequate reduction of the fracture. 2. Intraoperative fluoroscopy should be used at all stages of the surgical procedure. 3. The surgical technique recommended by the creators of the LISS method must be strictly followed.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Pakuła, Wojciech Wodzisławski, Piotr Fudalej, Jakub Wodzisławski


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How To Cite

Grzegorz Pakuła, Wojciech Wodzisławski, Piotr Fudalej, Jakub Wodzisławski (2014). Errors in Treatment of Fractures of Distal Femur by LISS Method (Less Invasive Stabilization System) – Single-centre Experience. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 16(3), 275-284.