Establishment Of The Relationship Between Occupational/ Job Stress And Occupational Anxiety-A Study Of Marketing Managers Of Selected Indian Private Banks At Nagpur.
Journal Title: International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 6
Management Facilitator Peter Drucker wrote “Marketing is the distinguishing unique function of the business.” In 1991, Marketing expert Regis Mckenna expressed a viewpoint in Harvard Business Review Article as –“Marketing is everything because the marketing encompasses all factors, that influence a company‟s ability to deliver value to customers, it must be all pervasive part of everyone‟s job description, from the receptionist to the Board Of Directors. Marketing Management encompasses wide varieties of functions and activities; such as Marketing Research and analysis, Marketing Strategies and Action Plan, Marketing Project Management, Process and Vendor Management, Organizational Management, Reporting, Measurement, Feedback and Control Systems etc. The nature, characteristics of Indian Business are changing drastically due to globalization and high degree of competitiveness. As Marketing is the live wire of any business organization, Marketing Managers / Personnel are under tremendous pressure as they are highly accountable for growth of top and bottom line (and consequences) of the business .The marketing managers must look for weak points in the positions of its competitors and then launch aggressive marketing attacks / suitable marketing strategy against those weak points - these are very crucial and calculative functions which consist of so many activities and as a result the marketing managers are under high job stress. Since the last decade, the banking industry had gone through drastic changes like policy changes due to globalization, privatization and liberalization, increased competition due to the entrance of more private sector banks, downsizing, introduction of new technologies, etc. Due to these changes, the employees in the banking sector are experiencing a high level of stress. The development of technological revolution in all spheres of life due to liberalization, privatization and globalization policies have totally changed conventional patterns in all industries including banking sectors and the banking sector has also got a face lift. The present research study determines the 'Stress' and 'Anxiety' levels of Marketing Managers / Marketing Executives in relation to their Job/ Occupation, to find out whether they are at higher stress zone or not and accordingly, suggestion and recommendation can be put forward for the reduction of their occupational stress/ anxiety in all private banks.
Authors and Affiliations
Mrs. Rumi Dasgupta
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