Estimation of physical and mechanical properties of cohesive soil stabilized by hydratized lime addition


Process of chemical stabilization of cohesive soils influences its mechanical properties, also in the case of soil cohesion. Road constructions consist of few layers which have various mechanical properties and this creates the need for better understanding the impact of chemical stabilization on soil as a layer of road. For the purposes of this article, tests were carried out in order to establish physical and mechanical properties, especially the penetrating resistance CBR test. The main aim of this paper was to estimate the cohesion of the soil, which was sandy clay stabilized with hydrated lime.

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How To Cite

WOJCIECH SAS, ANDRZEJ GŁUCHOWSKI, JAROSŁAW MARGIELSKI (2013). Estimation of physical and mechanical properties of cohesive soil stabilized by hydratized lime addition. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 45(2), 143-157.