Estimation of selected parameters of acid-base balance and electrolytes in Alpine skiers and biathlonists
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 43
The aim. Physical effort is among the elements that indicate disturbance of acid-base balance in organism. The course and grade of these factors intensification depend on the sort of effort and the level of organism adaptation.The aim of the paper is to present the estimation of chosen parameters of acid-base balance in biathlonists and alpine skiers and influence of maximum exercise on this changes.Material and methods. During the experiment, in which took part 15 biathlonists (B), 26 alpine skiers (AS) and two control groups, biathlonists performed incremental test, AS and both control groups performed 30 sec. Wingate test. During the test selected physiological parameters were measured. Pre- and post-test blood sample were collected to determine: concentration of hydrogen’s ions (H+), deficiency of base’s (BE), partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and dioxide of carbon (pCO2), concentration of lactic acid (LA) and concentration of electrolytes: Na+, K+.Results. It was found, that biathlonists have greater pool of buffering base (BE 1,28 ± 1,00 mmol/l) in relation to alpine skiers (BE –0,08 ± 1,52) and control group (BE 0,44 ± 1,18). They were also characterized by the lower level of post-exercise changes in acid-base balance.Conclusion. Biathlonists were characterized by the universal level of adaptation, however alpine skiers’ level of anaerobic adaptation was lower.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Bakońska-Pacoń , Marek Zatoń , Agnieszka Jastrzębska , Iwona Wierzbicka-Damska
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