Ethmoid roof radiology; analysis of lateral lamella of cribriform plate
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2015, Vol 69, Issue 6
Objective: We evaluated the extent of asymmetry evident in paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) scans of Turkish patients without sinusitis in the ethmoid roof. Our data contribute to the body of knowledge on the subject. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied multiplanar reformatted CT images of the paranasal sinus (1-mm sections) from 110 patients (50 male, 60 female). Ethmoid roof variations on either side were compared and the lateral lamellar length of the cribriform plate was measured. The results were scored using the Keros classification. Results: The lateral lamella of the cribriform plate averaged 5.78 mm in height on the right side and 5.98 mm on the left. The most common Keros type was type 2 (67.72%), followed by type 3 (22.28%), and type 1 (10%). Keros asymmetry (≥ 0.01 mm, affecting either side) was apparent in all patients (48.2% right-sided and 51.8% left-sided). Results: Preoperatively, paranasal sinus CT scans should be evaluated carefully to eliminate the possibility of lifethreatening complications, including intracranial trauma, which may develop during endoscopic sinus surgery; the left and right sides of the ethmoid roof may differ in depth.
Authors and Affiliations
Selvet Erdogan, Gurkan Keskin, Murat Topdag, Fatih Sari
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