Etude prospective sur la thyroïdectomie par technique de microchirurgie vasculaire

Journal Title: Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS) - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 1


Surgery for excision of the thyroid gland is based on the principles of a fine vascular surgery with consequent perfect hemostasis as well as on the preservation of the laryngeal nerves and the parathyroid glands; the cost of the technique must also be highlighted. Our study shows that besides perfect hemostasis without postoperative drainage, the search for recurrent nerves is not essential using a technique called "Thyroidectomy by vascular microsurgery technique", with a reduced cost of care. Patients and methods: This is a prospective study including 41 patients; the surgical technique put into action was called: technique of thyroid vascular microsurgery. The studied parameters were: the concerted indication of surgery, the anterior and post-operative state of vocal cord mobility and calcemia, the surgical technique (type of haemostasis and the search for recurrent nerves), the place drainage, the length of hospital stay and the cost of overall care. Results: 62 lobo-isthmectomies were performed. The anterior and postoperative state of vocal cord mobility and calcemia were well reported. Almost all patients had not been drained. There was no hemorrhagic complication and no recurrent paralysis, there were 3 cases of transient hypocalcemia. Conclusion: Thyroidectomy by vascular microsurgery technique would find a place among the other surgical techniques. Our management method is quite competitive, especially in terms of health savings.

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Yacine AMOURACHE (2019). Etude prospective sur la thyroïdectomie par technique de microchirurgie vasculaire. Batna Journal of Medical Sciences (BJMS), 6(1), -.