In the article I wonder about the reasons for the growing popularity of the postapocalyptic
works in the pop culture of the early 21st century. The world after the collapse
of the Western civilization is created in vario...
The paper analyzes the Polish literary discourse on the former Habsburg province of Galicia, developing after the restoration of Poland’s independence (1918) and the Polish victory in the Polish-Ukrainian War of Eastern...
The article presents the concept of race developed in 1913–1938 by the so-called Lviv
typological school, constituting one of the factions of the then actively developed Polish
anthropology. The author discusses the conc...
The author of the article discusses in a chronological order the literature on Iceland
written in Polish starting from the seventeenth-century account of the journey to the island
by Daniel Vetter. Most attention is devo...
The article presents the specificity of postdependency criticism as the one which better
reflects Polish realities than postcolonial criticism. The concept of postdependency impuls
is introduced, that is the stimulus app...
Po co nam postapokalipsy? Kultura postapokaliptyczna na początku XXI wieku z perspektywy kultur Zachodu
In the article I wonder about the reasons for the growing popularity of the postapocalyptic works in the pop culture of the early 21st century. The world after the collapse of the Western civilization is created in vario...
Toward the Idea of Polishness: Implications of 1918 for the Former Eastern Galicia, 1918–1939
The paper analyzes the Polish literary discourse on the former Habsburg province of Galicia, developing after the restoration of Poland’s independence (1918) and the Polish victory in the Polish-Ukrainian War of Eastern...
Koncepcja rasy we lwowskiej szkole typologicznej
The article presents the concept of race developed in 1913–1938 by the so-called Lviv typological school, constituting one of the factions of the then actively developed Polish anthropology. The author discusses the conc...
Oswajanie przestrzeni Islandii w piśmiennictwie polskim. Rekonesans
The author of the article discusses in a chronological order the literature on Iceland written in Polish starting from the seventeenth-century account of the journey to the island by Daniel Vetter. Most attention is devo...
Polskie inspiracje literaturoznawcze studiami postkolonialnymi. Impuls postzależnościowy
The article presents the specificity of postdependency criticism as the one which better reflects Polish realities than postcolonial criticism. The concept of postdependency impuls is introduced, that is the stimulus app...