Eucharystia w Kościołach oraz innych środowiskach ewangelikalnych
Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2011, Vol 20, Issue 1
Evangelical tradition within Protestantism does not perceive Eucharist as a focus of spiritual life. Central position is accorded rather to the preached and studied Word of God, which should be practically applied in the daily life of believers. Two sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, often called “ordinances”, are usually treated as visible and at the same time derivative forms of God’s Word. Evangelicals celebrate Eucharist (Lord’s Supper, Communion) with the deep reverence that is required in the case of the rite instituted by the Lord of the Church. Most Churches of that tradition officiate Lord’s Supper once a month on Sunday and also during the main Christian Feasts (at Good Friday in particular) and view it as a commemoration of the propitiatory sacrifice that Jesus Christ offered once for all on the Cross of Calvary for the salvation of the sinful. Communion is always distributed to all partakers under two kinds: bread and wine. For the believers the Eucharist is an occasion for repentance from sins, renewal of relationship with God, thanksgiving for redemption of humankind and joyful community with Jesus Christ in the midst of the Christian congregation. This is an act of adoration of Triune God that strengthens and nourishes the believer on his or her daily walk.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz J. Zieliński
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