Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 2
Polymers occupy a major portion of materials used for controlled release formulations and drug-targeting systems because this class of materials presents seemingly endless diversity in topology and chemistry. This is a crucial advantage over other classes of materials to meet the ever-increasing requirements of new designs of drug delivery formulations. The colonic region of the GIT has become an increasingly important site for drug delivery and absorption.Colon specificity is more likely to be achieved with systems that utilize natural materials that are degraded by colonic bacterial enzyme. With the advances in polymer synthesis chemistry and technology, more defined, controlled, and biocompatible polymers are becoming available, and such polymers will contribute to new generations of biomimetic nanostructures and vehicles for carrying diagnostic and imaging agents, therapeutic drugs, prognostic reagents, and multiagents in the future.
Authors and Affiliations
Papola Vibhooti
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