European convention on human rights in the mechanism of implementation of the main constitutional obligation of Ukraine
Journal Title: Науково-інформаційний вісник Івано-Франківського університету права імені Короля Данила Галицького: Журнал. Серія Право. - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 6
After gaining independence, Ukraine has chosen a European democratic model for the formation of public and public life. A large number of appeals of citizens of Ukraine to the European Court of Human Rights testify to the effectiveness of this European institution. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the significance of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms for both the world community and for Ukraine in particular, as well as determining the factors that influence the slow pace of implementation of its provisions. Method. The method includes a detailed comprehensive analysis and synthesis of available scientific and theoretical material on selected topics. Scientific novelty. On the basis of this, grounded generalizations and recommendations for disclosing the essence of the investigated aspects of the protection of human rights and freedoms in Ukraine are made. Results. The article establishes that the adoption of the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms has an epoch-making significance for the whole world community as well as for Ukraine in particular. Its ratification in our country, in essence, has shifted from the place the process of transition from declarative consolidation of human rights and freedoms in the legislation to the introduction of effective mechanisms that would give a real opportunity to realize and protect them if necessary. The driving force behind this process is the European Court of Human Rights, in which Ukrainian citizens can claim Ukraine. And as practice shows, this process is quite active. In order to improve its image in the field of protection of rights and fundamental freedoms Ukraine needs to eliminate as much as possible the reasons that affect the non-enforcement of ECHR judgments and to take into account the recommendations made by the Council of Europe in this area. Practical significance. The results of the study will contribute to correcting the situation towards the real fulfillment by Ukraine of its primary duty, as provided for in Part 2 of this article. 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. Ю. Щербюк, С. Мороз
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