European Union Standarts for Ukrainian Inland Waterways: Directive № 96/50/EU

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3


The question of applying 6 basic EU Directives on inland waterways is frequently discussed in Ukraine, for instance: on June 22, 2017 an international conference “Dnipro as a European Waterway” was held; a report by People's Deputy Vadatursky AO, who proposed the Draft Law “On Inland Water Transport” No. 2475а-3 dated 16/06/2017, which provides for the implementation of 6 EU Directives on inland waterways; on September 12, 2017 was Round Table “Development of the Freight River Transport Market in Ukraine”; on September 21, 2017, the Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship held a round table discussion on “Shipbuilding Development in Ukraine”, Green Book “Freight traffic by inland waterways”. That’s why the article analyzes the European Union standards that are used for inland waterways in Ukraine. The article focuses on the necessity of full implementation of Council Directive 96/50/EC in Ukrainian transport legislation. Moreover, the theoretical aspects of the implementation of the provisions of the EU Directives on inland waterways into the national legal system of Ukraine are researched. The characteristic of the normative mechanism for implementation of the provisions of the EU Directives on inland water transport in Ukrainian legislation is given and its level is analyzed.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергей Кузнецов, Валерия Слатвинская, Sergiy Kuznetcov, Valeriya Slatvinska, Сергій Кузнецов, Валерія Слатвінська


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Сергей Кузнецов, Валерия Слатвинская, Sergiy Kuznetcov, Valeriya Slatvinska, Сергій Кузнецов, Валерія Слатвінська (2017). European Union Standarts for Ukrainian Inland Waterways: Directive № 96/50/EU. Lex portus, 5(3), 25-34.