Europejskie przywództwo. Niemcy w Unii Europejskiej

Journal Title: Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej - Year 2015, Vol 9, Issue 9


This paper is an attempt to analyse European leadership and the role played by a reunited Germany in the European Union. The author proposes five fundamental theses: 1) the reunification of Germany ruined the balance of power in Europe; 2) the Eastern enlargement of NATO and the EU has moved the zone of political and military influence of the USA to the line of the Bug river; 3) the Germans have confirmed their position as a European power; 4) the foreign policy of Angela Merkel is a continuation of Gerhard Schroder’s policy, meaning a transfer of the focus from European policy to prioritising German national interests; 5) the German issue has remained open.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Młynarski


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  • EP ID EP218549
  • DOI 10.14746/rie.2015.9.18
  • Views 57
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How To Cite

Andrzej Młynarski (2015). Europejskie przywództwo. Niemcy w Unii Europejskiej. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, 9(9), 289-303.