Evaluating the Attitude, Practice and Knowledge of Research in Medical Undergraduates: A Cross Sectional Study
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 5
Background: Research is an essential component of medical education, along with it plays an important role in advancement and improvement of health care services. Objective: To evaluate and assess the attitude, practice and knowledge of research in undergraduate medical students in S. Nijalingappa Medical College & HSK Research Centre, Bagalkot. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional, structured, pre-validated and self administered questionnaire was completed by 124 undergraduate students of IInd year MBBS. Quantitative evaluation of collected data was done. Results: Out of the following 124 students, 79% agreed that they can conduct a research before completion of MBBS. 98.2% stated that research is useful for future in medical profession. 60.9% agreed for a term that there is a lack of knowledge on research conduction. While 95.2% showed a response for encouraging mentored health research. Conclusion: The undergraduate students in the study empowered a positive response towards conducting a research. The problems faced like lack of guidance, time and having a heavy curriculum are to be solved to ensure quality research activities among medical undergraduates.
Authors and Affiliations
H. Prabhu M.
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