Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain in healthy children up to one year old by using of neurosonography


Neurosonography NSG is one of the most widespread methods for diagnostic of cerebral disorders in young age children. This method is noninvasive, not inexpensive, does not have any complications and therefore is available in most hospitals, it does not require a special preparation of the child before the study and maintenance of anesthesia. The aim of the study was to evaluate the CSF system of the brain of healthy children up to 1 year old and to develop regional indicators for Chernivtsy region. The study involved 67 healthy children up to 1 year old (30 boys and 37 girls) who underwent a complex examination on the base of consultative and diagnostic department of the Chernivtsy Regional Children's Hospital in 2012 year. All patients were full-term children. NSG performed by using the ultrasound diagnostic system DS-6 «Mindray» with convex (2,5-3,5-5,0 MHz) and linear (5,0-7,5-10,0 MHz) sensors. Sonographic parameters of ventricular system of children up to 1 year old, living in Chernivtsy region, were analyzed by standard statistical methods. The width of the anterior horn of the left and right lateral ventricles in all children was the same. The height of the body of lateral ventricles and the third ventricle measured in both sexes were not significantly different. The large tank was measured by the standard method and its size does not exceed 5 mm in all patients, what is considered normal. Have been elaborated regional indicators of neurosonography (NSG) for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) system of the brain in children up to 1 year old, living in Chernivtsy region. Significant differences of ventricular system indicators of the brain in children up to 1 year old have not been identified, also there was no sex differences observed among them. Have been estimated percentile marks for individual indicators of CSF system that can serve as the standard for specific region and can be used in NSG examination.

Authors and Affiliations

Т. Komshuk


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How To Cite

Т. Komshuk (2015). Evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid system of the brain in healthy children up to one year old by using of neurosonography. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 7(1), 128-131. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-236839