Evaluation of Effectiveness of Use of Oral Vit D Supplements in Documented Vit D Insufficient or Deficient Patients- A Study in North Bihar
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 8
Vitamin D is a group of fat soluble secosteroids responsible for a variety of physiological functions and mostly in respect to calcium homeostasis in the body. The major source of Vit D is from sunlight with a few other dietary sources. As Vit D is synthesised in the body it is being considered as a hormone more than a vitamin and has been found to have a role in prevention of various chronic illnesses like Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease.. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of Oral Vit D supplements in patients with documented Vit D deficiency or insufficiency. Method: Patients(20-70years, both gender) attending outdoors of Darbhanga Medical College and hospital over a period of 6 months(1 january 2017-31st june 2017) with nonspecific complaints of myalgia, joint pain fatigue were screened for serum Vit D levels and patients who were deficient or insufficient were given oral supplements and levels repeated at 6 and 12 weeks. The statistical significance of improvement was measured by paired student t test. Results: Most of the patients demonstrated clinical and biochemical improvement after 6 weeks of therapy(p<0.01) and all patients achieved normal levels after 12 weeks of therapy(p<0.001). The gender basis evaluation of the Vit D deficiency turned out not in favour of women who were more deficient as compared to age matched male counterpart and people>60 years were more deficient. Conclusion: A majority of Vit D deficient people may be asymptomatic. Therefore a keen eye and high index of suspicion is necessary providing a role for screening in patients with non specific complaints and being a routine in people with bone diseases. Oral supplementation is both cost effective and feasible with good patient compliance and hence is an effective method to replinish stores.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Peyalee Sarkar
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