Evaluation of efficacy of antibiotic therapy post extraction


Background: It is always a question whether to prescribe antibiotics post extraction in clinicians mind whereas an antibiotic in the market acts on various methods. Aim: The main aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of antibiotic therapy on post extraction healing of socket and infection after routine dental extraction. Material and Methods: 100 patients presenting to department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Sibar institute of dental sciences, Guntur with no systemic illness were divided into two groups in which antibiotics were prescribed and not prescribed respectively. All the extraction cases were performed by a single oral and maxillofacial surgeon to remove the bias in the study. In group I all the patient were prescribed Cap. Amoxicillin 500mg TID for three days. Post extraction healing of the socket and infection was evaluated with an intermediate follow up till one month. Results: 50 patients in group I were prescribed antibiotics and 50 patients in group II were not prescribed antibiotics post extraction. All the patients of group II had uneventful healing of extraction socket and none of the patient encountered infection. There was delay in healing in 2 male patients in group II due to history of smoking. Conclusion: Our study concluded that no post-operative antibiotics are required after routine dental extractions in normal healthy patients. So, we advise clinicians for appropriate use of antibiotics whenever necessary after routine dental extractions.

Authors and Affiliations

Meka Sridhar, Rahul VC Tiwari, Raviteja painam, Anand Vijay Somuri, Vijay K Thumpala


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  • EP ID EP295135
  • DOI 10.18231/2395-6194.2017.0045
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How To Cite

Meka Sridhar, Rahul VC Tiwari, Raviteja painam, Anand Vijay Somuri, Vijay K Thumpala (2017). Evaluation of efficacy of antibiotic therapy post extraction. Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology, 3(4), 187-189. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-295135