Evaluation of electromagnetic compatibility of highfrequency induction systems in a local facility
Journal Title: Вісник НТУУ КПІ. Серія Радіотехніка, Радіоапаратобудування - Year 2011, Vol 0, Issue 45
The article shows one approach to assess the electromagnetic environment in a local facility that is running induction system for transferring high frequency signals. A distinctive feature of these systems is to use a reactive component of integrated energy flux of the electromagnetic field. To evaluate them in the aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the local object defined distribution of reactive power across the frequency spectrum. Current along the electric and magnetic radiators present as of complex Fourier series expressions are obtained for the components of electric and magnetic fields. For assessment the EMC induction systems transmit signals in a local facility proposed criterion of the difference actual and limiting factors of reactive power. It is shown that due to short radius of action (no more than 0,5 ... 1 m) and low power in data systems,electromagnetic compatibility with other devices inside a local object is provided.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Rozvadovsky, S. Shalileh
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