Evaluation of emotional-behavioral reactivity in rats after the introduction of cranberries common complex in combination with arginine


Topicality. Side effects after taking medicines in the form of stimulatory action on the central nervous system or, on the contrary, depressing action on the central nervous system led to the need to study the evaluation of emotional and behavioral reactivity in rats after the introduction of cranberries common complex in combination with arginine. Aim. To study the emotional-behavioral reactivity in rats after the introduction of cranberries common complex in combination with arginine. Materials and methods. The object of the study was a modified phytosubstance, which is a complex of phenolic compounds of Vaccinium vitis-idaea leaves in combination with arginine. To study emotional-behavioral reactivity, tests used: Open Field (OP) and Elevent Cross-like Labyrinth (PCL). In the OP test, an approximate research response, a level of latent emotional stress, and anxiety levels in the PCL test investigated. Analysis of experimental data performed in comparison with the preparation Sedafiton (producer Phytopharm, Ukraine) at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg. The control group received only water at a dose similar to that in the group receiving a complex of cranberries with arginine at a dose of 100 mg/kg. For 3-4 hours prior to the introduction of the test substance or solvent, the animals kept free of food with free access to water. After the introduction of the investigated phytosubstance, after 30 minutes, studies began. Results and discussion. In the Open Field test, routine-research activity in animals in the main group receiving a complex Vaccinium vitis-idaea common with arginine did not differ in the control group, but in the group receiving the referral drug, the approximate research activity in animals increased several times. A result of our study in the “Lift Cross-Labyrinth” test, it found that in animals fed with a phytosubstance complex of cowberry and arginine, the fear of open space preserved, therefore the latent time of release of animals in the open sleeve of PCL does not differ from the values of the control group. Conclusions. In the work, the study of the emotional-behavioral reactivity of rats in the tests “Open field” and “Crossed labyrinth raised” after the intragastric introduction of cranberries common leaves complex in combination with arginine in a dose of 100 mg/kg. It has been established that amino acids in combination with phenolic compounds leaves of cranberries commonly do not affect the level of anxiety and resistance to stress.

Authors and Affiliations

K. V. Tsemenko, I. V. Kireyev, O. M. Koshoviy


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  • EP ID EP661200
  • DOI 10.24959/ubphj.19.210
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How To Cite

K. V. Tsemenko, I. V. Kireyev, O. M. Koshoviy (2019). Evaluation of emotional-behavioral reactivity in rats after the introduction of cranberries common complex in combination with arginine. Український біофармацевтичний журнал, 58(1), 50-54. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-661200