Evaluation of Hypoglycemic Property of Gurmar (Gymnema Sylvestre) Leaves Methanolic Extract (GSLME) in Streptozocin (STZ) induced Diabetic Albino Rats
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 12
Background: Diabetes is almost everywhere a most common growing health issue in the world and is now emerging as an epidemic world over. currently, so much of importance is being paid to the natural products study as potential antidiabetics. The study of plants which possess Antidiabetic activity may give a new idea in treatment approaches of Diabetes mellitus(DM). Objective: The present research study was aimed to evaluate the Hypoglycemic action of Gymnema Sylvestre (G. sylvestre) plant leaf methanolic extract (GSLME) in streptozocin ‑ induced diabetic albino rat model. Methods: Albino rats with a weight of 150- 200 grams were weighed & were grouped into 6 equal groups taking 6 rats in each. Group A served as control (normal), Group B as diabetic control, received streptozocin (60mg/kg.b.w.) after overnight fasting. Group C ,D & E was received streptozocin+ GSLME suspension at 100 ,200 & 300 mg/kgdoses orally respectively, Group E was given streptozocin + standard drug (Glibenclamide 5mg/kg.b.w.) suspension for 30 days orally & the GSLME effect on blood sugar(BS) was measured with glucometer at regular intervals. At the end of this research study samples of blood were collected from all rats for biochemical estimation of BS. Results: This present research study has revealed that GSLME has Hypoglycemic effect against streptozocin induced diabetic albino rats on i.p. streptozocin injection at 60mg/kg.b.w. & confirms that on i.p. streptozocin injection causes a significant raise in fasting blood sugar (FBS) in untreated albino www.jmscr.igmpublication.org Impact Factor 5.84 Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i12.78 Ahmed. SK et al JMSCR Volume 05 Issue 12 December 2017 Page 31754 JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||12||Page 31753-31760||December 2017 rats when compared to control group. Diabetic rats treatment with GSLME for 30 days caused a dose dependent fall in FBS levels. Diabetic rats treated with Glibenclamide also showed a significant(P < 0.00) fall in FBS levels after 30 days of treatment. Conclusion: It is concluded that GSLME has shown significant Hypoglycemic action at 100, 200 & 300 mg/kg. b.w. doses in alloxan monohydrate induced diabetic albino rats.
Authors and Affiliations
Ahmed. SK
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