Evaluation of IASB and FASB New Conceptual Framework Project
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2011, Vol 2011, Issue 61
In 2006, IASB and FASB started a common project – development of a new conceptual framework for financial reporting. The main aim of this article is to present and discuss the present state of work on this project, with a particular focus on controversial areas. The presentation and analysis have been performed from the wider perspective of accounting theory and practice. First, the idea of conceptual framework has been highlighted from a theoretical standpoint, and arguments for inevitable normative changes have been presented. In the following part the current state of work is outlined. The project has been divided into eight phases, partially accomplished. The paper addresses some controversial issues in selected areas of the new conceptual framework which are frequently debated in the accounting literature. Finally, critical opinions on the conceptual framework expressed in literature are presented and conclusions are drawn showing the strengths and weaknesses of this project.
Authors and Affiliations
Marcin Kędzior, Konrad Grabiński
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