Evaluation of Proximate and Mineral Composition of Indigenous and Exotic Mushroom Propagated In Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment (IJRCE) - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 3
This trial evaluated proximate and mineral composition of one indigenous mushroom, Pleurotus tuber regium and two non indigenous species, Pleurotus sajor (Fries) and Pleurotus florida (kummer). Samples of each mushroom (15grams) were processed and analysed in triplicates for their proximate constituents and concentration levels of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and Zn. Pleurotus tuber regium had highest level of crude protein, 35.85 ±0.45% while pluerotus florida had theleast (26.40 ±0.49%). Highest level of c rude fibre (13.2 ±0.27%), ash (7.90 ±0.10g/100g), Ca (0. 037 ±0.001ppm), and Mg (0.172 ±0.001ppm) were recorded for Pleurotus sajor (Fries) followed by Pleurotus florida 13.03 ±0.15%, 4.10 ±0.10%, 0.027 ±0.002ppm, and 0.167 ±0.001ppm respectively. All mu shroom studied had comparable and low levels of ether extract and concentrations of Na and K. However, the three species are rich in nutrients and therefore fit for human consumption.
Authors and Affiliations
Olasupo O. , Ekpo N. , Kehinde S. , Omotugba K.
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