Evaluation of PubMed publications concerning dance, injury, pain and stress subjects
Journal Title: Palestrica Mileniului III - Civilizatie si Sport - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue 1
[b]Background[/b]. Dance (D) represents a type of sport that can lead to injuries, pain and that is associated with stress (S). [b]Aims[/b]. The aim of the present research is the evaluation of research concerns for the relationship between stress and dance. [b]Methods[/b]. An analysis of keyword combinations, namely: ”stress and dance” (S+D), ”stress and dance and injury” (S+D+I), ”stress and dance and pain” (S+D+P), ”stress and dance and cortisol” (S+D+C), ”stress and dance and anxiety” (S+D+A) and ”stress and dance and professional” (S+D+PS) was evaluated. [b]Results[/b]. There were significant differences between the S+D and the other chosen keyword combinations, S+D+I (0.031), S+D+P (0.006), S+D+C (0.021), S+D+A (0.004) and S+D+PS (0.003). [b]Conclusions[/b]. 1) The largest number of publications appeared in the “stress and dance and injuries” keyword combination, which proves the importance of dance and injuries connection. 2) Research concentrates on the connection between dance and pain, the proof being their numerical location, in second place. 3) The analysis of stress elements, such as cortisol and anxiety, can be found in studies relating to dance, the emotional component being more extensively analyzed. 4) The importance of professional dance can be found in the number of publications corresponding to this keyword association, as well as in the percentage of publications including the stress and dance association.
Authors and Affiliations
Ramona Jurcău, Ioana Jurcău
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