Evaluation of Reliability of Own Set of Computer Tests for Measurement of Chosen Co-ordination Motor Abilities (Pilot Study)

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 36


The purpose of the work. The main aim of this report is to define the accuracy of own motricity abilities coordinative tests, made with the use of a laptop with a touch screen. The use of this kind of equipment allowed us to control the influence of a keyboard and mouse usage ability on the test result.Methods. The study material consisted of the research results of a 10 person group of girls, 14 years of age, who attended the junior high school in Biorkow Wielki (20 km from Krakow), made in 2006. Each test with the girl was performed three times (for three consecutive days), with the same testing procedures retained (computer equipment, part of the day, external conditions). 27 different features, connected with the movement coordination of man, were considered there. The collected data were worked out with the use of basic statistic methods, and the following were calculated: x–, SD, analysis of ANOVA variance with repeated measurements for the dependent tests, coefficients of Pearson’s correlation between test results of 3 consecutive tests, typical measurement error.Results. It has been found that in the majority of cases the suggested computer tests were characterized by proper reliability – so that they can be useful for the sport and physical exercise practice. It should be emphasizedthat in order to make them, one needs only a computer with a software, the fact that speaks for their popularization and introduction to population research.

Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Sterkowicz, Janusz Jaworski


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Stanisław Sterkowicz, Janusz Jaworski (2006). Evaluation of Reliability of Own Set of Computer Tests for Measurement of Chosen Co-ordination Motor Abilities (Pilot Study). Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 16(36), 81-91. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-60094