Evaluation of Seed Quality in Naturally Aged Seed Lots of Coriander

Journal Title: International Journal of Plant & Soil Science - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 6


Three seed lots of fifteen genotypes of coriander were subjected to study the effect of natural ageing on different seed quality parameters. Results revealed that all the genotypes showed the germination percentage above the Minimum Seed Certification Standards (65%) in Lot-1 (freshly harvested seed) and Lot-2 (1 year old seed). Standard germination (%), seedling length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg), seedling vigor index-I & II and accelerated ageing test (%) revealed that quality of seeds declined with faster rate inLot-3 (2 years old seed). Among all the genotypes, maximum germination was retained by genotype DH-339 (75.5%) followed by Hisar Surbhi (74.5%) and maximum loss of germination was observed in genotype DH 352-1 (61.2%). Hence, the genotypes DH-339 and Hisar Surbhi were found superior in terms of viability, vigor and storability whereas genotype DH 352-1 was found poor under ambient conditions.

Authors and Affiliations

Vinod Kumar, T. P. Malik, S. K. Tehlan, Amit Kumar


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  • EP ID EP316863
  • DOI 10.9734/IJPSS/2017/32722
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How To Cite

Vinod Kumar, T. P. Malik, S. K. Tehlan, Amit Kumar (2017). Evaluation of Seed Quality in Naturally Aged Seed Lots of Coriander. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 15(6), 1-8. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-316863