Evaluation of sitting position in infants
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2015, Vol 15, Issue 2
Introduction. Functional diagnostics of infants poses a great challenge to pediatricians, pediatric neurologists and physiotherapists. The study assessed the sitting position using the PodoBaby podoscopic station dedicated to the diagnostics of infants. Objective. The goal of the study was to assess the spontaneous motor activity of healthy infants in sitting position by analyzing the contact areas in podoscopic images. Material and Methods. The study was conducted in a group of infants attending the TONI swimming school for infants and small children in Wrocław. A total of 25 sitting infants aged 8-16 months were included in the study.Examination were carried out in sitting position using a large-dimensional PodoBaby podoscopic station dedicated to the diagnostics of infants. Results and Conclusions. Sitting described the size of the of the contact areas is correct as healthy as infants and in infants with very light CCD. Infants healthy sitting position is stable. Sitting infants with very light CCD is a little less stable than in infants healthy. Certain differences in the quality of infant healthy seated position relative to infants with very light CCD can provide the support of prevention activities in the field of body posture.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Wójtowicz, Maria Kubińska, Dariusz Miodoński, Anna Skrzek
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