Evaluation of Steiner's cephalometric analysis in adult individuals with aesthetically accepta-ble perception

Journal Title: Revista Eugenio Espejo - Year 2024, Vol 18, Issue 3


Steiner's analysis is based on interpreting both soft and hard tissues by evaluating different cranial parts. This research aimed to assess Steiner's cephalometric analysis in adult individuals with aesthetically acceptable perception in lateral cephalic skull radiographs. The study was observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional, in a population of 248 cephalic radiographs of people between 18 and 45 years of age from the city of Cuenca during the periods 2020, 2021, and 2022, using the AutoCAD 2023 software. Descriptive statistics were used, and the Wilcoxon range and Student's t-tests were used to compare the measurements. The level of significance was considered 5 % (p<0.05). Increased statistical differences were found in the Silla-Nasion and Nasion- Point angle (SNA), angulation of the Upper Incisor with Silla-Nasion (S-N), angle of the longitudinal axis of the upper incisor and the Nasion-Point A plane (1-NA). , Lower Incisor to the Gonion-Gnathion plane (L1-Go-Gn), S line and diminished in the Silla- Point L segment (SL), Gonion-Gnathion and Silla-Nasion angle, Upper incisor-Palatine plane and interincisal angle, demonstrating differences between Steiner's norm with the means of the study. However, the bone bases are similar to the author's proposals. The aesthetic canons have varied. A slightly protrusive profile and the prominence of the chin and lips is the new social perception that, together with factors, demonstrate a difference from the standard norms. For this reason, it was necessary to develop a cephalometric analysis based on distinctive features that allowed for establishing values of harmony in this population.

Authors and Affiliations

Lituma Zhunio, María José; Lima Illescas, Miriam Verónica; Torres Campoverde, Dayana Elizabeth


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  • EP ID EP747163
  • DOI https://doi.org/10.37135/ee.04.21.07
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How To Cite

Lituma Zhunio, María José; Lima Illescas, Miriam Verónica; Torres Campoverde, Dayana Elizabeth (2024). Evaluation of Steiner's cephalometric analysis in adult individuals with aesthetically accepta-ble perception. Revista Eugenio Espejo, 18(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-747163