Evaluation of the effectiveness of Butler’s neuromobilisations in reducing disorders of stereognosis of impaired upper extremity in late-stage stroke patients
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2010, Vol 10, Issue 2
Background: A review of contemporary literature indicates that the rehabilitation of stroke patients is chiefly based on reeducation and compensation techniques addressing motor deficits, even though pure motor hemiparesis occurs very rarely. We assumed that tensional neuromobilisations of the impaired upper extremity in late-stage post-stroke patients influence disorders of stereognosis (tactile perception of natural objects)Material and method: The study involved a group of 64 stroke patients. The subjects were divided randomly into two subgroups (A and B). To assess tactile perception, all patients had to identify 10 commonly used objects by touch. During the 21-day follow-up, all patients were subjected to comprehensive rehabilitation. The therapeutic programme for Group A included selected physical modalities and individual kinesiotherapy based on the PNF method. The treatment in Group B additionally included tensional neuromobilisations of peripheral nerves of the impaired upper extremity. Results: Analysis of variance showed significant variation only for the test measurement factor (p <0.01), which was due to significant intra-group differences in Group B (p<0.05; Tukey test).Conclusions: The greatest improvement in the assessment of the tactile perception of everyday objects was obtained in the group which received PNF therapy supplemented with neuromobilisations of peripheral nerves of the impaired upper extremity.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Wolny , Edward Saulicz , Rafał Gnat
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